Making Sense of Self-Publishing Terms
Most authors dream of being published by a traditional publisher-one who pays to print the author's book and then pays the author royalties. However, after months or years of mailing out manuscripts to publishers and literary agents, and piles of rejection letters later-if even lucky enough to get a response-many authors ultimately turn to self-publishing.
When self-publishing is first considered, the author finds that homework is... ❯❯❯
The Advantages of Self-Publishing
A few decades ago, self-publishing was considered a big "No No." The cost to self-publish was high and vanity presses often took advantage of authors. However, several well-known authors from Walt Whitman and Mark Twain to James Redfield have self-published books that have become classics and bestsellers, and with the advances in technology, self-publishing is highly affordable. As long as the author makes producing a quality book a... ❯❯❯
5 Things To Look For When Self-Publishing A Book
Today with all of the amazing technology, self publishing a book has become a more attractive option. Gone are the days of someone's dreams and visions being placed on hold or forced to wait because they are in search of a publisher to accept their book. I remember hearing so many stories of how many attempts, how many companies, and how many rejections it would take before an author could get published. I don't know about you but I... ❯❯❯
The Truth About Vanity Publishing
Many authors are choosing to publish their masterpieces on their own terms using vanity or subsidy publishers, otherwise known as "paid-for publishing", "self-publishers" and "self-publishing companies". While these establishments do have their uses, for example for specialty, limited-release books, or private books including poetry and memoirs, there are quite a few drawbacks to their use. Here's the bare-boned truth: Truth #1: Sacrif... ❯❯❯
eBook Industry in China: What You Need to Know
The ebook publishing industry in China is booming. This growth can be attributed to a number of factors, including an increase in disposable income and a rise in Internet use. Chinese e-readers are also playing an increasing role in helping readers discover new books and reading content across different genres and categories. Chinese mobile phone users who own e-readers spend 33% more time reading on them than non-e-reader users. Many... ❯❯❯
Traditional and Self-Publisher Websites and Options
Many first-time authors want to find a traditional publisher for their books. While books like Writer's Market and Literary Marketplace annually come out with new editions that list publishers, more and more authors are going to the Internet and publisher websites to find a publisher. A huge difference exists between self-publishing companies and traditional publisher companies, and for a new author, that difference can be confusing.... ❯❯❯
Four Ways For Authors to Publish Their Books
You've sweated over your manuscript, you're finished with your re-writes, and it's time to leave the dark of the writer's solitude for the bright wide open world of readers just waiting for your book. But how will you get your book into print? How will you publish? Not so long ago, "getting published" meant one thing and one thing only. You would somehow find a way to get a contract from a publishing house-probably located in New York... ❯❯❯
Two Roads Diverged - Understanding Traditional and Self-Publishing Differences
The publishing world has experienced change over the past several decades as all industries have, but the next 10 years will be a cocoon altering it into a different species altogether. Many major print publishing houses have either merged, or acquired smaller houses, and the net result is that there are fewer traditional channels for getting your book published. However, this only means that the nature of the challenge of getting a... ❯❯❯
An Artist Guide to Landing a Publisher
So why do you the artist need a publisher? The most important answer to this question is, you are the talent, let someone else sell that talent! With the acquisition of an publisher all the leg work and time consumed trying to sell your art is now the responsibility of the publisher. Your primary concern as a professional artist is to produce quality artwork, not to try and flog your wares to the market place. So now that you have... ❯❯❯